7 habits to build a good credit score

7 habits to build a good credit score

Credit reporting agencies are responsible for collecting and maintaining your credit reports. Credit companies use a credit report to determine your credit score. Without a good credit report, your chances of getting an auto, home, student, or business loan reduce. Employers, landlords, lenders, insurance companies, government agencies, and utility provides run credit checks on potential employees, tenants, and users to check your credit history and your ability to make payments on time.

Habits to maintain a good credit report
It takes time, continuous effort, and commitment to building a good credit report. Most financial experts recommend starting their efforts to maintain good credit at a young age. Crucial habits that can help you maintain a good credit report are mentioned below:

Understand what your credit report contains
A credit report has your personal information, credit history, credit inquiries, public records, and a personal statement. Credit history lists all your credits, including credit limits, balances, monthly payment history, and if you have been making payments on time. Every time you apply for a loan, a lender checks your credit score. It gets recorded in your credit report as a credit inquiry. A credit inquiry remains in your credit report for two years and can cause a slight dip in your credit score. Public records include any bankruptcies, tax liens, or civil judgments.

Understand the scoring factors of credit score
The information in your credit reports, like your total debt, type of accounts, number of late payments, and each account’s age, is used to calculate your credit score. Every late payment, credit inquiry, timely payments, and credit use all go into calculating your credit score. Hence once you know what information gets recorded in your credit report, it can help you prepare and make financial decisions accordingly.

Check your credit report frequently
With the increased incidences of financial and online fraud, you have to ensure that no one else has opened a bank account or taken credit in your name using unethical means. If you find unfamiliar or inaccurate information in your credit report, you can report then and take appropriate steps to set them right. You can check your credit report on the AnnualCreditReport website. You can get three reports from credit reporting agencies Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Do not miss any payment
If you always make payments on time, you might assume that you might get some leeway if you miss one credit payment. Unfortunately, even one delayed or missed payment is recorded in your credit report. Making every credit card, loan, or mortgage payment on time is the single most influential factor in maintaining a good credit report. Making more than one payment and making more than the minimum payment is also reflected in your credit report, and hence you should do it whenever you have some additional cash.

Do not use your credit completely
The amount of credit you have utilized against the available credit limit is another important factor that affects your credit score. Since credit reports record your credit reports and available balances directly affect your credit scores. It may be tough, but using only 30% of your credit available can impact your credit favorably.

Longer credit is better
The longer use of credit from one or a few accounts helps build your credit score. New accounts can reduce the age of your credit history. If you have closed multiple accounts, the information remains in your credit report for about ten years.

Avoid hard credit checks or inquiries
You or anyone who wants to check your credit scores make a credit inquiry or a hard credit check. It could be a lender, creditor, landlord, employee, or utility provider. Every inquiry remains in your credit report for two years and impacts your credit score. Instead, you can authorize a lender to do a soft check to see if you prequalify for a loan without attaching the inquiry with a credit or loan application. Credit companies cannot see the soft checks, and hence they do not appear in the credit report.

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