10 practical anger management tips for a good lifestyle

10 practical anger management tips for a good lifestyle

Anger is a natural response to feelings of threat and is inbuilt into our survival mechanism. In fact, it even helps us sharpen our focus and offers a sense of control. Stress at the office, family problems, financial issues, etc., are some of the triggers that anger us. Although people normally associate anger with negativity, it is not necessarily a bad or wrong feeling. But how you deal with these feelings and express them is important.

10 useful tips for managing anger
When not appropriately channelized, anger leads to stress and anxiety and increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, respiratory problems, and the like. The good news is that it is never too late to cultivate healthier anger management habits and better control one’s feelings and reactions. Here are ten ways to manage anger better.

Knowing your triggers
Understanding what triggers your anger episode is half the battle won. Take stock of things that make you feel angry. Make a note in a journal each time something makes you angry. After a week or ten days, review this and look for patterns. It will help you not get caught off guard and manage your feelings well.

Acknowledging the warning signs
Know the signs your body gives out when you start to feel angry. While everyone exhibits different signs, some of the most common ones include tightening the chest, pounding in the heart, raising your voice, feeling shaky, and pacing. Knowing these signs and acknowledging that you are angry or frustrated at that given moment will help you take steps to manage your anger in a better way.

Stepping away from the situation
One of the best strategies for anger management is to take a timeout. This spacing out gives you time to process your thoughts and even defuse them with time. You can do this by counting from one to ten. Physically removing yourself from the focal point of your anger also helps immensely.

Thinking thoroughly before expressing yourself
When angry, you are likely to say hurtful things to people. It not just makes you feel miserable but also affects your interpersonal relationships in the long run. So, before lashing out at anyone, try to note your feelings. If you cannot write it down, play the thoughts in your mind before saying them out loud.

Expressing yourself once you are calm
Expressing your thoughts is essential in managing anger episodes. It helps you vent out and prevent negative emotions from damaging your health. As soon as you pass through that anger episode, consider talking to a friend or close family member. It helps in putting your thoughts in perspective and helps you to tackle them better.

Getting some exercise
Anger gives people an adrenaline rush that may make them pace or panicky. One of the best anger management methods is getting moving and doing some physical activity. Exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, or a quick game of tennis can help release brain chemicals that make you feel relaxed and take off steam.

Identifying the root cause
Many often don’t realize that anger is a secondary emotion. The primary emotion giving rise to anger may be anxiety, embarrassment, or sadness. Since anger is a powerful emotion, people tend to focus solely on it. However, if you can acknowledge the primary emotion and understand the source of your feelings, your anger management will be better and more effective.

Distracting yourself
If you are going through an anger episode, constantly thinking about it facilitates more anger. Rehashing the triggers only complicates the situation. One of the best ways to manage anger is to distract yourself with meaningful and exciting activities. Depending on your interest, you could engage in gardening, go out for ice cream, or even clean your kitchen or any other room in your home.

Using humor
There is no hard feeling, including anger, that a bit of humor cannot dissipate. Laughter is a powerful tool that makes you see the lighter side of things. Humor helps dissolve tension and makes talking to the other person easy.

Knowing when to get help
Anger management is a challenging process dealt with by everyone differently. While self-help tips are very beneficial, do not shy away from seeking help if they don’t work for you. One can seek anger management classes or consult a counselor to help learn how to respond to stressful situations.

When unchecked, anger may become a pattern in your life and lead to low productivity and ill health. Anger management techniques like the ones mentioned above will help you not just deal with stressful situations but also help you learn healthy ways to express your emotions.

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