6 essential foods that increase platelet count

6 essential foods that increase platelet count

Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are essential cell fragments in blood circulation responsible for clotting wounds and preventing excessive bleeding. Without platelets, it is impossible to stop bleeding from even the smallest cuts. The higher the platelet production, the more effective the blood’s ability to clot. One of the ways to boost the production of platelets naturally is to change one’s nutritional regime. Below, one can find 6 foods that can boost platelet count.

Foods to eat
A healthy change in nutrition can naturally boost the production of platelets. Here are some of the best foods for low platelet count that help maintain a balance.

Papaya is a superfood that can naturally increase platelet count by triggering an enzyme change in the bone marrow, which is necessary for the production of new platelets. One can use the extract of the leaves to make fresh papaya beverages and consume them to boost the platelets in circulation. If the juice is too bitter, one can also have raw fruit slices, as no additives or flavorings are added to improve the taste. It is recommended to consume the fruit pulp when it is ready for harvesting, as the nutrients are directly absorbed into the bloodstream to work their magic.

Leafy greens
Leafy greens boast a rich supply of antioxidants and nutrients that help improve circulation. For example, spinach is an excellent leafy green with essential vitamin B9 required to produce enzymes that promote platelet production. Spinach further enhances the production of red blood cells to boost oxygen circulation and white blood cells to improve immune function. Combined, these functions improve platelet counts. Other vegetables, nuts, and legumes that are rich sources of essential folates include black-eyed peas, kidney beans, peanuts, asparagus, and mustard greens.

Fatty fish
Everybody knows that fatty fish are excellent sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that promote a number of cardiovascular and metabolic functions. But at the same time, popular choices like trout, salmon, tuna, herring, and mackerel are all loaded with vitamin B12. Studies are conclusive that a vitamin B12 deficiency can affect the production of platelets and, as a result, affect the overall count. Consuming more fatty fish can help replenish these nutrients naturally without the need for supplements. Vegetarians can alternatively opt for fortified cereal, snacks, juices, and dairy alternatives like soy milk or almond milk to ensure the daily vitamin B12 intake is met.

Wheatgrass juice
Wheatgrass is a well-known natural health supplement that can provide a simple yet effective way to boost essential vitamins and nutrient intake. Consuming wheatgrass extract can help increase the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and hemoglobin, which are vital components that help maintain platelet balance. This is because the natural chlorophyll found in wheatgrass is similar in structure to hemoglobin. Studies show that a proper yield of hemoglobin is necessary to maintain platelet balance. Additionally, wheatgrass is rich in magnesium, sodium, potassium, amino acids, and essential vitamins that can help boost platelet production.

Kiwi is a great source of potassium, chlorophyll, and quercetin. Low potassium levels in circulation increase the risk of hypokalemia, a condition that results in fatigue and muscle cramps and drastically affects heart rhythm. As a result, the body is unable to produce and match platelet requirements. Chlorophyll is an essential component that aids in the balance of hemoglobin necessary for proper circulation. To top it all off, Kiwi is also a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for immunity. So, overall, a few slices of raw Kiwi can enhance the body’s ability to naturally raise hemoglobin and platelet counts.

Carrot, beetroots, and pumpkin
Colored vegetables are rich in nutrients that help boost metabolic functions. Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A that helps the bone marrow naturally synthesize more red blood cells and platelets. Beetroots are also the go-to veggies when it comes to naturally boosting circulation. Beetroot juice is a natural blood purifier that promotes the production of red blood cells and platelets. In addition, pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and promotes an essential protein balance that is important for the production of platelets. Increasing this protein count will elevate the number of platelets in circulation.

Foods to avoid
It’s crucial to include foods in one’s meal plan that can help increase the platelet count in the body. However, it’s equally important to avoid foods that can negatively impact the natural production of platelets. Foods with a high glycemic index can suppress bone marrow function, while foods that are rich in saturated fats, high in sodium, and even condiments that contain artificial sweeteners should be avoided to prevent any changes in the production of platelets.

Before making any changes in one’s daily nutrition, it is necessary to consult a certified nutritionist to understand their impact. It is always important to seek advice from a professional to improve one’s overall health.

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