9 benefits of undergoing a blepharoplasty procedure

9 benefits of undergoing a blepharoplasty procedure

Blepharoplasty or eye bag surgery is a standard facial surgical procedure. The lower eye bag surgery involves the removal of excess fat and tightening of the skin. The surgery for the upper eyelid also results in tightened and more youthful skin. The surgery can be customized to the patient’s needs. Aside from the customization, eye bag surgery has other added benefits. This article lists nine such benefits of choosing to undergo a blepharoplasty procedure.

Lifted upper lids
Drooping eyelids or excessive skin formation on the upper eyes can be a hassle. Aside from being heavy-lidded and appearing puffy, the folds of skin can even contour the shape of your eye. The spilling skin can cause obstruction your field of vision. Eye bag surgery will be able to correct all of these issues by removing extra tissue and lifting the eyelid.

Smoother lower lids
Wrinkles, dark circles, and under-eye bags are signs of poor sleep. In addition to that, these signs also indicate the body’s loss of collagen and muscle mass. As a person ages, the sagging under-eye bags could become a permanent part of their appearance. The correction procedure for eye bag surgery is similar to that involving drooping upper eyelids. The extra fat or skin tissue is removed from the lower eyelid, leaving room for the lower eyelid to be tightened.

Improved field of vision
Appearance is not the only drawback of droopy eyelids. They can also obstruct one’s field of vision. Some insurance companies might even consider the procedure eligible for coverage, as it will help improve your field of vision. You would be required to consult an optometrist to test and confirm if the folded skin interferes with your vision. That would convince your health insurance company to cover at least the partial cost of the procedure.

Lower risks
Most clinics perform eye bag surgery as an outpatient procedure that requires local anesthesia. It considerably reduces the recovery time and has lower risks. The usual side effects of the procedure include some discomfort, bruising, and swelling, albeit mild. Most patients who undergo eye bag surgery are ready to return to their routine in about 10 to 15 days. The time might change in the case of some patients, and some strenuous activities will have to be delayed.

Restored confidence
Eye contact is often considered a sign of confidence, especially in meetings, interviews, and presentations. Eye bags are one of the first signs of aging because of the delicate eyelid skin. However, if you feel like the eye bags interfere with how confident you feel, eye bag surgery might be the right solution for you. An eye lift will also help eliminate the signs of anger, stress, and fatigue.

Youthful look
One of the common driving forces of people opting for eye bag surgery is their wish to appear more youthful. The eyelid skin is one of the first places that suffer through the signs of aging. The depleting levels of collagen and elastin in the body contribute to the increased sagging of this skin. While it is a normal sign of aging, some people might have a greater genetic predisposition. With the condition worsening with time, blepharoplasty could be an effective solution to prevent excessive sagging and make one look young.

Less tired appearance
Appearing tired is one of the common reasons people with puffy or droopy eyelids choose to undergo eye bag surgery, as the heaviness of the eyelids and the eye bags give you a tired and run-down appearance. Additionally, drooping eyelids can also make your eyes look like they are partially closed. An eye bag surgery gives patients their desired outcome and saves them from appearing tired and exhausted to an observer.

Smooth forehead
If drooping eyelids are hindering your field of vision, you might develop the habit of raising your eyebrows to see better. The constant brow-lifting and forehead movement will add to the list of things that contribute to the development of wrinkles and fine lines. Upper eyelid surgery helps remove the added weight and prevents you from raising your brows whenever you need to see better.

Minimal scarring
A considerable benefit of eye bag surgery or blepharoplasty is minimal scarring. The surgical incisions are hidden by the lash line or natural folds and lines of the upper and lower skin of the eyelids. The only visible scar extends out a few millimeters into the crow’s feet. However, that does not bother most people, as it is not noticeable. It also gives you a choice to let anyone know about the surgery or not.

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