9 home remedies that help relieve sinus symptoms

9 home remedies that help relieve sinus symptoms

Sinus can result from the common cold, flu, or allergies that affect the respiratory system. Symptoms develop in the mucous membranes and sinus cavity, causing a blockage in the airways. Several treatments are available for nasal congestion, including prescriptions, foods, and lifestyle changes. Also, the following home remedies can provide relief eventually and promote a better outlook. The effectiveness of these sinus remedies will vary depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Nasal irrigation
Flushing the sinuses with a homemade saline solution can help relieve congestion. Doctors usually suggest a Neti pot, squeeze bottle, or bulb syringes as sinus remedies. The water pressure helps clear the congestion, and the salt helps sterilize the nasal passage to reduce the risk of infection. It is advisable to use sea salt or pickling salt as it does not contain additives that can cause further irritation. Mix the salt in lukewarm water and adjust the ratio to dilute the mixture perfectly.

Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation has worked for centuries, among other popular sinus remedies. Steam helps loosen the mucous in the congested area, making it easy to dislodge large clumps before flushing them out. Traditional steam inhalation is done over hot water pots with a towel covering the head to prevent the steam from escaping. The same effect can be experienced using electric steam inhalers or diffusers that produce continuous steam. Adding essential oils like menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus to the solution also helps relieve the symptoms of congestion.

Using a warm compress
The heat helps relax the muscles and reduces swelling and inflammation resulting from sinus congestion or infection. A warm washcloth or napkin can help relieve this pressure in the nasal cavity. Dip the washcloth in hot water and wring out all the excess before holding the compress gently against the face. Gently apply the cloth over the face to counter any pain and discomfort. Repeat the process as and when necessary.

Nasal sprays
Symptoms can be difficult to manage at times simply using nasal irrigation and steam techniques, among other sinus remedies. Alternatively, consider doctor-suggested nasal sprays with a special formulation to help relieve sinus pressure. Fast-acting decongestants interact with the swollen mucous membranes and relax the muscles to optimize airflow. These formulas also increase the blood flow to the membranes and keep the inflammation at bay for longer periods. Several formulas also help counter any allergies that may have caused the sinus congestion. Consult with a general physician to understand the pros and cons of using diverse types of oral and spray decongestants available in the market.

Change the sleeping position
Lying on the stomach or the side is not ideal for those with sinus and nasal congestion. It makes it difficult for the lungs to expand and contract. Sleeping with the head elevated more than normal will drain the sinuses and relieve pressure. Also, taking adequate rest is important as sinus allergies, and infection can take a toll on the body and mind. Rest will allow the cells to heal efficiently and boost immunity to counter symptoms.

Stay hydrated
The body needs fluids to support all functions. Most importantly, staying hydrated will help dilute the mucous discharge and drain the sinuses. Doctors recommend drinking plenty of water and nutrient-rich fluids throughout the day. But avoid drinking fluids that are rich in caffeine or any form of beverages as they can trigger swelling in the sinus cavities.

Include foods that contain capsaicin
Capsaicin is naturally found in spices like chili peppers and mustard, among others. Research suggests capsaicin can naturally promote better body heat generation to counter inflammation. Spicy foods can also loosen the mucous and provide relief from sinus pain. Capsaicin is also the reason behind people experiencing watery eyes and a running nose after heating hot and spicy foods. Note that this is just a temporary fix and works better combined with other sinus remedies. Persistent inflammation and pain could mean a severe infection that needs medical attention.

Routine exercise
Exercise ranks among effective sinus remedies that boost immunity, increase blood circulation and relieve sinus pressure. Regular workouts release endorphins (feel-good hormones) that can also help better manage the frustration caused due to recurring sinus problems. Following a regular exercise routine will also ensure better mucous flow, clearing sinus cavities and preventing congestion.

Stress management techniques
Stress is the number one trigger of health complications. Stress raises cortisol levels in the body which affects one’s immunity and worsens the symptoms linked to sinus congestion or infection. Practicing simple deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and any activity that manages stress can provide better relief from recurrent symptoms.

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