A basic overview of migraine headaches

A basic overview of migraine headaches

A migraine leads to an intense and pounding pain in the head that lasts for hours or a few days. It usually begins with the forehead and eventually spreads to one side of the head or around the eyes. Migraine attacks can make one sensitive to external stimuli like lights, sound, or movement and its common symptoms include nausea and watery eyes. This article discusses the causes, treatments, and home remedies for the condition.

Causes of migraines
The exact reason for why one gets a migraine or what causes it remains a mystery to date. It is believed that migraine headaches may be predominantly caused due to changes in the level of serotonin, a body chemical. When serotonin levels shoot up, the blood vessels shrink (constrict), and when they fall, the blood vessels swell. The swelling causes pain and can also lead to other problems.

There are research reports which show that migraines could run in the family. The American Migraine Foundation states that if one of the parents has a history of migraine, there is a 50% chance that it will run in the genes, and if both the parents have migraine, there is a clear 75% chance of it getting passed down to the next generation.

Women are more likely to be affected by chronic migraines as they are linked to hormones. Hormones for women fluctuate around the time of menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause, and it is quite common for women in this category to report frequent migraine attacks.

Additionally, it is commonly believed that lifestyle, environmental and genetic factor plays a crucial role in causing migraine.

Treatment process for migraines
There are two types of treatment methods for migraines:

Abortive method
The abortive method focuses on preventing the headache from getting even more severe. In addition, this method also focuses on providing relief to the patients. It involves the individual taking a remedy right after they believe they are about to get a migraine. It is strongly advised to opt for remedies only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive method
The preventive method includes remedies that have to be taken consistently and have to be prescribed by a doctor. These aim to reduce the frequency of headaches from occurring (migraine episodes).

Yet another method is to use an electrical stimulation device (a non-medical treatment method). This is a headband that has to be worn every day for about 20-30 minutes, which stimulates the nerves that are linked to migraine.

Home remedies for managing migraines
More often than not, some of the best remedies for migraine episodes come from things one has at home. Here are some of the time-tested methods:

  • Ensure to turn off the lights and rest calmly for some time in a quiet room.
  • Using a cold, wet cloth or compress over the forehead can help soothe the pain.
  • Massaging the forehead and the scalp area using a lot of pressure will give relief quickly. Using essential oil can have a therapeutic effect. Lavender oil (mixed with a carrier oil), in particular, is known to provide a lot of relief, provided it is applied for three months consistently just before the onset of a migraine episode.
  • Caffeine can help in reducing the intensity of pain.
  • Avoiding oily and greasy foods and foods that contain nitrates like hot dogs, bacon, and sausage.
  • Breathing exercises and mindfulness practice also help a person get significant relief from migraines.

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