Black eye – Signs, causes, and management

Black eye – Signs, causes, and management

Black eye is used to refer to the bruising of the tissues surrounding the eye, leading to swelling and discoloration. In most cases, the sensory organ is not affected, rather, there is an injury on the face. It is known as the black eye because of the dark bluish color developing around the eye as a result of bruising. It usually happens because the tiny blood vessels or the capillaries in the area burst and leak into the skin as a result of getting punched or other injuries.

This condition is also referred to by other names, such as “shiner” and “periorbital hematoma.” The bruise leads to the collection of fluid around the space of the eye. Temporarily, the vision may get blurred, making it difficult to open the eye. It further leads to pain and, more possibly, headache.

Effects and symptoms
The effects of this condition are that the individuals will have to face certain swelling for some period. There will be a change in the skin’s color on spreading of puffiness. In the initial stages, it will be red. Then, the color will gradually change to dark blue, deep violet, and possibly black. Sometimes, a red patch is also visible on the eye. It is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage, and it will usually heal between two to three weeks. The swelling will also disappear, and the discoloration will lighten up and fade.

When to consult a doctor
Sometimes, black eye becomes serious if the bleeding happens in the eye, as it may lead to eye damage. In such a situation, the individual has to visit a healthcare expert. The most serious part is to ensure that a skull fracture has not occurred during any head injury. One must get diagnosed to make sure that there is no hematoma that would affect the structures like eyes and there is no swelling or bleeding in the brain. If one experiences the conditions given below, then it is necessary to consult a physician.

  • Vomiting or seizures
  • Bleeding from the ears and nose
  • Fainting during the accident or after
  • Not able to have eye movements
  • Two black eyes that may represent a fractured skull
  • Blood on the surface of the eye
  • Double vision
  • A feeling of having something in the eye
  • A headache for more than two days

The following are the causes of this condition:

  • Some objects striking the individual’s face
  • Getting punched
  • Injury from accidents
  • Dental and cosmetic surgery

Bruising around both eyes, called raccoon eyes may be considered a sign of a skull fracture or another injury. It requires immediate medical attention and following are some of the conditions that are associated with black eye.

  • Broken nose
  • Dengue fever
  • Head injury
  • Concussion
  • Hemophilia
  • Skull fracture
  • Eye emergencies
  • Shaken baby syndrome

The warm and cold treatment may help relieve some of the symptoms of this condition. But still, it is always best to visit and talk to a healthcare provider and follow the procedures. The discomfort and swelling may be reduced by applying ice but be attentive to the following.

  • Do not press the ice pack hard
  • Do not put ice directly onto the skin
  • Do not apply ice directly to the injured part

An ice pack or ice wrapped in a cloth may be used by the individual. On the third day of the appearance of the symptoms, applying a warm compress will help relieve the pain and swelling.

Tips to manage the condition

  • Refrain from any activities that could cause this condition again or lead to a non-healing wound.
  • Keep the head higher than the body when sleeping.
  • Get proper treatments by consulting a healthcare provider.

If the doctor suspects a more severe condition, then they may refer to the specialist for further treatment, such as:

  • A neurosurgeon for the skull or brain injury
  • An ophthalmologist for the injury of the eye
  • An ENT for some other serious injuries

Preventive measures

  • Place and fix the rugs and carpets properly to avoid slipping over them
  • Wear protective gear and helmets while driving or playing
  • Keep the stairs clear of clutter
  • Wear goggles when performing activities like gardening, metalwork, or woodwork

Black eye in most cases can be treated at home. However, it is best to consult a healthcare provider rather than following any home remedies. The individual might be asked to take an X-ray or CT scan if the doctor suspects a fractured bone or anything unusual inside the eye.

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