Depression – What one should know

Depression – What one should know

Depression is a severe and prevalent medical condition. It negatively impacts the way one acts, thinks, or feels. Although it may be challenging to manage, it is curable. A person with depression tends to lose interest in the activities that they liked earlier and may constantly feel sad without any apparent reason. In addition, depression can also result in physical and emotional issues and can affect a person’s ability to perform at work or school.

Below, we will address the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment for depression.

Symptoms of depression

Having a hopeless outlook

Depression has a significant impact on how one perceives life in general. Hence, one of the first symptoms of depression is having a hopeless outlook on life. Some may also feel inappropriate guilt, develop feelings of self-hate, or consider themselves worthless.

Losing interest

Depression can make one disinterested in the things they once enjoyed. For instance, going out with friends or playing a favorite sport can feel tiresome.

Fatigue and sleep-related issues

Often people stop being interested in things they earlier enjoyed because they feel constantly tired. Lack of energy and the continuous feeling of fatigue are also signs of depression. It can make one want to sleep more than usual. Similarly, depression can also cause insomnia in another person. When one does not sleep enough, it can result in other issues, such as anxiety.


Depression does not directly cause anxiety, but the two conditions usually co-exist. Some symptoms of anxiety are:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Rapid breathing
  • Restlessness or nervousness
  • Feeling tensed
  • Panicking
  • Muscle twitching or trembling
  • Unable to think clearly


This symptom is more prevalent in men compared to women. Misplaced anger and escapist behavior are also two related depression signs in men.

Changes in weight and appetite

In people with depression, there may be fluctuations in weight and appetite. While some people may see a surge in their diet, others might not feel hungry.

Causes of depression

There are multiple causes or triggers for depression. A few of them have been listed below:


If one has experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, it puts them at risk of depression.


Older people, especially those living alone, are more susceptible to depression.


People constantly having disputes or conflicts with family members or friends are more prone to depression.


Women are two times more likely to be depressed. It may be triggered by hormonal changes.

Loss or death

Grief, death, sadness, or a loss of a loved one can also put one at risk of depression.

Familial link

A person with a family history of depression is more likely to develop it.

Substance abuse

About one-third of people with substance abuse issues tend to develop clinical or major depression.

Diagnosis of depression

A doctor might diagnose one with depression using one or more of the below-listed methods:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)

There is a standard criterion mentioned by the American Psychiatric Association that classifies some symptoms as depression signs. The doctor will compare the signs to these listed symptoms to analyze the condition.

Physical examination

The medical health expert might examine one’s overall health to determine if they are depressed.

Lab tests

There may also be some blood tests conducted to assess certain hormone levels.

Psychiatric evaluation

For depression diagnosis, the psychiatrist might inquire about one’s feelings, current thoughts, and behavior patterns.

Treatment of depression

Depression can be cured, but three components are needed to manage symptoms. These are discussed below:


Under this line of treatment, one consults a therapist who will assist in overcoming the negative feelings. One can also take group or family therapy sessions if needed. Psychotherapy, also referred to as talk therapy, involves communicating with a therapist to know the factors causing depression and seek ways to cope. It is often used in combination with pharmaceutical treatment.


Support ranges from educating the family members to discussing probable causes and reasonable solutions for depression.

Prescribed treatment options

To help combat depression, a doctor might even prescribe treatment options, which can help with mild to severe depression. These work on one or a combination of treatments and should be used solely on a doctor’s recommendation.

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