Here’s everything to know about gum cancer

Here’s everything to know about gum cancer

Gum cancer is a type of oral cancer characterized by irregular lesions, tumors, or patches on the gums. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research suggests that about 53,000 patients are diagnosed yearly with gum cancer. Gingivitis and gum cancer often overlap in terms of their symptoms. Gingivitis is a gum disease resulting from the accumulation of bacteria in the gums. Gingivitis, if left untreated, can culminate in gum cancer.

Causes of gum cancer
Poor oral hygiene
Over time, neglecting basic oral hygiene measures can lead to serious oral health conditions, including gum cancer.

Oral cancer in general, as well as gum cancer in particular, are more common among men than women.

Although gum cancer is prevalent among individuals of all age groups, those over 40 are more susceptible to the condition.

Family history
Studies have found that oral cancers can also be inherited like many other types of cancer. However, lack of proper hygiene and unhealthy habits can further increase the risk factor.

Symptoms of gum cancer
Gum cancer symptoms may eventually appear and overlap with those of gum disease. However, early diagnosis and intervention can help prevent and cure this health condition. Some common symptoms that could be indicative of gum cancer are as follows:

Severe mouth sore
While most individuals experience mouth sores often, these typically heal within a week to ten days. However, it is a cause of concern when your mouth is sore and does not heal for extended periods. Mouth ulcers that do not heal can be symptoms of gum cancer.

Bleeding gums
Gum bleeding can indicate the accumulation of tartar, often due to poor oral hygiene. However, even after teeth cleaning and care, persistent gum bleeding can be a gum cancer symptom.

Patches on the gums
One of the most common symptoms of gum cancer is the development of patches on the gums. These patches are typically white, red, or dark in color and require immediate professional consultation.

Loosening of the teeth
Loose teeth without any other apparent dental cause can indicate gum cancer. Loosening of the teeth may be accompanied by difficulties in chewing, swallowing, and speaking.

Mouth and ear pain
Since the different parts of the head and face are intricately linked, individuals with gum cancer can experience pain in other parts of the face, including the mouth and ear.

Treatment options
Gum cancer treatment typically involves three types of surgical procedures:

Maxillectomy is the procedure used to eliminate gum cancer present on the roof of the mouth.

It is the process of surgically removing gum cancer surrounding the jawbone.

Neck dissection
This procedure removes lymph nodes to which cancer may have spread.
Such surgical procedures may be accompanied or followed by chemotherapy with radiation.

Lifestyle tips for a speedy recovery
Significant lifestyle changes and proper nutritional care are indispensable to a speedy recovery from oral cancer. Here are some lifestyle tips that can expedite recovery from gum cancer:

Limit your exposure to UV rays
Exposure to harmful UV rays can increase one’s risk of oral cancer. Moreover, exposure to direct sunlight for long periods can exacerbate the symptoms in patients with gum cancer. It is best to avoid direct exposure to scorching heat. However, if such exposure is inevitable, applying lip balm and sunscreen is advisable.

Stay hydrated
Hydration is the key to recovery from any health condition. Gum cancer is typically accompanied by severe mouth ulcers, patches, and tumors, which can cause severe pain and discomfort. Having sufficient water intake is crucial to relieving these symptoms while undergoing treatment.

Avoid sugar
Sugar is the leading cause of enamel decay and gum disease. Individuals at risk for or diagnosed with gum cancer must strictly avoid sweets in all forms, including aerated drinks and sugary juices.

Follow a healthy meal routine
Following a meal plan that incorporates all nutrients is essential while not being harsh on your teeth and gums. Avoid fruits and vegetables that are acidic, including citrus fruits, and consume soft and pureed foods like mashed potatoes, soups, smoothies, and bananas. It helps to have 5–6 smaller meals throughout the day instead of having fewer but heavier meals. Ensure to obtain your protein intake through easily digestible sources like lean meats, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs, and mashed lentils.

Book routine check-ups
Ensure to book regular appointments with your dentists and schedule cleaning sessions often to avoid tartar and other issues.

Oral hygiene is a must
Finally, it is crucial to meticulously follow oral hygiene processes like brushing twice daily, rinsing your mouth thoroughly after meals, and flossing regularly to avoid eventual relapses of gum cancer and ensure continued dental health.

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