Managing osteoporosis – Top 10 foods to eat

Managing osteoporosis – Top 10 foods to eat

Osteoporosis is a prevalent health condition that causes a person’s bones to become weak and incredibly brittle with time. The brittleness is so extreme that even simple actions like bending and coughing can lead to fractures. While it can affect anyone, the disorder is more common in older adults and women at menopause with low estrogen levels. Below are a few healthy foods one can eat to manage osteoporosis better.

The human body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Inadequate calcium intake can reduce bone density, increasing the risk of fractures. Studies suggest a cup of milk can meet 30% of one’s daily calcium requirement.

Yogurt, a readily available dairy product, has been consumed since ancient times. It has higher calcium levels than milk, mainly because of its preparation process. An eight-ounce serving contains approximately 42% of one’s daily calcium requirement. Yogurt can easily be incorporated into several everyday dishes.

Like milk and yogurt, cheese is a dairy-based product that can help people meet their needed calcium intake. Although one can choose from various cheese variants, mozzarella is among the best for bone disorders. One hundred grams of mozzarella can provide up to 731 mg of calcium. Those looking for healthier options can buy cheese sourced from skimmed milk.

Calcium is essential for healthy bones, but it may be of little value without vitamin D. The body needs this nutrient to absorb calcium. One of the best ways to get vitamin D is to eat eggs, especially egg yolk. However, one must eat eggs in moderation and mix them with other vitamin D-rich foods to ensure optimal nutritional levels.

Besides calcium and vitamin D, one must pick foods with sufficient protein to aid bone mineral density (BMD). Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are suitable options among protein-rich foods. They have bioactive peptides or protein fragments that protect joint cartilage. These fatty fish also contain vitamin D.

Tofu, a staple in Asian households, has become popular in our country. The food derived from soybeans is a nutritional powerhouse. Half a cup of tofu provides the body with 860 mg of calcium! Research has also shown that the isoflavones in tofu can prove beneficial in preventing bone disease in women, particularly after menopause.

Almonds and other types of nuts and seeds can be useful in managing osteoporosis. They contain high amounts of calcium, protein, and magnesium—nutrients the body needs for healthy and strong bones. Experts recommend eating at least a handful of almonds every day. One can munch on these nuts when hungry instead of reaching out for unhealthy snacks. Those who do not prefer almonds can opt for sunflower seeds and pistachios to reap similar benefits.

Though dairy products are considered one of the best sources of calcium, one can also acquire the nutrient from leafy green vegetables like kale and bok choy. Besides calcium, kale contains vitamin K, another nutrient that supports bone health and helps manage osteoporosis. Some other green veggies to eat with bone disorders are Brussels sprouts, spinach, and broccoli. These vegetables also help with several other health conditions.

Sardines are among the best foods for osteoporosis. They contain high levels of several nutrients that are helpful for bone health. For instance, they have calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient because it helps neutralize bone-harming acids in the body.

White canned beans
A single cup of this nutrient-rich food can help provide at least 190 mg of calcium. Besides calcium, white canned beans contain magnesium, which is critical for bone health. The higher the consumption of magnesium, the higher bone density. An easy way to introduce white beans into one’s meal plan is to add them to salads, soups, and stews.

Although those with severe osteoporosis may need treatment to prevent the condition’s progression, doctors usually also suggest changes in nutrition. As is evident, the top ten foods for osteoporosis mentioned here contain necessary bone-healthy nutrients like calcium, protein, vitamin D, and magnesium. Patients can consult a healthcare expert to learn how to introduce these foods into their nutritional regimen and the right quantity to eat.

In addition to this list of osteoporosis foods, healthcare providers may recommend calcium chewables to manage osteoporosis better. This is mainly done when a person has a very low calcium level. Patients must consult a certified professional to learn about the dosage. Excess calcium can cause significant health issues like kidney stones and heart attacks.

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