Symptoms of mosquito bites and how to manage them

Symptoms of mosquito bites and how to manage them

Mosquito bites are the stingy red bumps that appear on the skin after female mosquitoes feed on human blood. Such bumps happen when the mosquito pierces human skin with its specialized mouthpart while feeding. Though they are usually harmless, mosquito bites can be irritating. Besides, some mosquitoes are infamous for spreading dangerous diseases; therefore, one must be wary of such bites. Keep reading to learn about mosquito bites and remedies to manage their effects.

Mosquito bites
Only the female mosquitos bite and feed on human blood. They need protein and iron in the human blood to develop their eggs. When a mosquito bites a person, it secretes saliva into the bloodstream, which the body recognizes as an allergen, and reacts, leading to tiny bumps forming on the skin.

Things that trigger mosquito bites
Mosquitos can bite anyone and everyone, but some common factors that can lead to mosquito bites are listed below.

  1. Wearing dark-colored clothes
  2. Deodorant, cologne, or scented lotions
  3. Body temperature
  4. Stagnant water in the area
  5. Body odor and sweat
  6. Visiting a place with active and live mosquito-transmitted diseases

Effects and symptoms
The mosquito bite effects, signs, and symptoms may vary depending on the individual. However, some common warning signs may include-

  1. Irritated and itchy skin
  2. A raised, reddish, and circular bump on the skin where the mosquito has bitten

The symptoms may be more severe if the mosquito is carrying a pathogen or there is an occurrence of an allergic reaction. In that case, the warning signs can be as follows-

  1. Allergic reactions like fainting, swollen throat, hives, and wheezing
  2. The microorganism carried by the female mosquito causes headaches, fever, rashes, body aches, eye irritation, tiredness, and other conditions.

Diseases caused by mosquito bites
Mosquito bites spread several diseases, some of which are detailed below-

  • Chikungunya- This disease is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Various symptoms of this condition include fever, headache, tiredness, rashes, nausea, and muscle and joint pain.
  • Zika- This disease is caused by the transmission of the Zika virus by the mosquitos known as Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti. After the infection, the virus can be transmitted from one individual to another through physical contact. Symptoms to watch out for include mild fever, skin rash, headache, irritated eyes, and muscle and joint pain.
  • Dengue- This disease is caused when the Aedes aegypti mosquito transmits the dengue virus. A patient may experience symptoms similar to the flu and have headaches, nausea, fever, and muscle and joint pain.
  • Malaria- Malaria spreads when an infected Anopheles mosquito bites a person. This disease may be life-threatening; therefore, one must watch for warning signs like fever, vomiting, and headache.
  • Yellow fever- The Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for transmitting this condition. Common symptoms include fever, vomiting, headache, lack of appetite, and back and muscle pain.
  • West Nile virus- This virus is spread by the mosquito known as Culex. This disease may be life-threatening. Headache, muscle weakness, coma, confusion, stiff neck, and convulsions are common symptoms when the condition becomes severe.

Remedies for mosquito bites
Some home remedies for mosquito bites are listed below, but it is advised to consult a health expert before using them, as some products may cause allergic reactions in some people.

  1. Ice- Applying an ice pack reduces the pain, swelling, and itchiness.
  2. Aloe Vera- Aloe Vera helps in reducing pain and itching. The gel in Aloe Vera leaves consists of salicylic acid and can be applied directly to the bite.
  3. Honey- Honey’s antibacterial properties help reduce pain and itching. It consists of the enzyme catalase, which relieves minor inflammation.
  4. Oatmeal- The gluten in oatmeal helps soothe the itchy and irritating mosquito bites.
  5. Chamomile tea- The anti-inflammatory compounds in this tea help fight swelling and itchiness.

Ways to prevent mosquito bites
Some ways to prevent mosquito bites are-

  • Removing stagnant water from the area where a person lives
  • It is advised to avoid traveling to a mosquito-infested area. Follow necessary safety guidelines articles if a person is traveling to such places.
  • Using screens on the doors and windows
  • Sleeping under netting
  • Treat tents, net coverings, and clothing with mosquito repellents.
  • Using various mosquito bite relief products as recommended by the healthcare provider
  • Wearing thick and full-sleeved clothes is advised because mosquitos can bite through thin clothes easily.
  • Staying indoors during the period of high mosquito activity, like dawn and dusk

In most cases, mosquito bites do not cause any harm. However, health experts advise against scratching the affected area as it increases the itchiness and the risk of contracting a skin infection. It is always advised to consult a healthcare provider before using any home remedy or product against mosquito bites. Furthermore, if the effects of these bites last longer or some allergic reaction occurs, it necessitates a health expert’s intervention.

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