7 remedies to manage itchy skin among dogs

7 remedies to manage itchy skin among dogs

Itching is a common problem for dogs, and various reasons, such as a rash, bug bite, or dry skin, can trigger it. If left untreated, itching would worsen and cause severe distress to your pet. The symptoms might also indicate health issues such as food allergies, parasite hypersensitivity, etc. Since there are various reasons for scratching, consulting a professional would help. One can also try certain remedies that can offer major relief for your pet.

Apple cider vinegar
This remedy involves the use of apple cider vinegar. The vinegar is made of crushed apples, yeast, and sugar, making it a natural option to treat the itching. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties, providing exceptional relief to your pet. However, one must note that the fluid should not be applied directly to the itchy area; it needs to be mixed with 50% water and then applied for less than five minutes. You can prepare the solution in a spray bottle and apply it over affected areas.

Chamomile and herbal tea bath
This remedy for itchiness can also combine calendula, chamomile, and green tea to bathe your furry friend. The ingredients help in soothing and cooling the itchiness. This remedy also helps in reducing inflammation in the skin. You need to fill a tub with warm water, add multiple herbal tea bags and let them seep for a few minutes so that the water absorbs the goodness of the tea bags. After this, soak your dog for a minimum of five minutes in the bath. If tiny itchy patches exist, you can steep two herbal tea bags in two cups of hot water and let the mixture cool down. After the mixture has cooled, it can be directly applied to the affected area.

Epsom salt
Epsom salt is also a very effective natural remedy to reduce itchiness. The magnesium-rich salt is commonly used to achieve effective relief against sore muscles. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective solution to treat dogs with itchiness that is caused due to allergic dermatitis. Frequent soaking of your pet in a solution of Epsom salt and water might reduce itchiness and inflammation on their skin. For dogs with skin sores or wounds caused due to itching, Epsom salt aids in opening and draining the abscess, which helps relieve wound pressure and speeds up the healing process.

Oatmeal bath
It is another popular remedy that works great to provide relief. This product has chemicals known as avenanthramides as well as phenols that are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Pets suffering from frequent allergies and superficial infections can get quick relief by using oatmeal. The remedy requires making a fine oatmeal powder and mixing it with water. This mixture can then be applied to the affected area. Add the oatmeal powder to warm water and let your pet bathe for 10 minutes.

Witch hazel
It is another remedy that not only helps in reducing itchiness but also inflammation on irritated skin. This natural ingredient is an astringent and has anti-inflammatory properties, which aid in fighting bacteria. The plant also helps in mending broken skin. You must soak a cotton ball with witch hazel and gently apply it to the affected area. You can even put your dog’s paw in a bowl full of witch hazel if the paws are itching. However, it is important to pat dry the dog’s paw after removing it from the bowl.

Coconut oil
This remedy involves the use of all-natural coconut oil. This oil provides soothing effects to dogs with eczema and helps treat allergies. Coconut oil also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which help keep skin infections at bay. The oil needs to be directly applied to the affected area.

Unsweetened yogurt
There are several health benefits associated with feeding plain yogurt to dogs. Various skin allergies and irritations can arise from your pet’s digestive system. The remedy is ideal for pawed animals who suffer from specific allergies, hives, or rashes. Feeding small quantities of yogurt to your pet is known to boost overall gut health and digestion. However, it is necessary to check with a professional for potential risks.

These are just a few natural remedies for itchy dogs; you can get more online or consult your vet.

Besides the remedies listed above, more management options are available online for pet parents to check out. However, if the itching persists for more than a few days, it would be best to consult a vet for a diagnosis, as excessive scratching might lead to self-inflicted injury.

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