7 major benefits of an adenoidectomy

7 major benefits of an adenoidectomy

Adenoids are lymphoid tissues found behind the nasal cavity above the roof of the mouth. They have a significant role in producing antibodies to fight an infection that enters through the mouth or nose. Due to various reasons, adenoids can become enlarged, leading to blockage at the back of the throat and causing problems with breathing, swallowing, or sleeping. In such cases, adenoid removal is done through a procedure called adenoidectomy.

What is adenoidectomy?
Adenoidectomy is a surgical procedure to take out the adenoid glands. It is a short procedure with minimum risk involved. The surgery is necessary when the adenoids become enlarged or infected due to infections and allergies. Children born with unnaturally large adenoids also need this surgery. The surgery is often performed on children between ages 1 and 7. Most often, the adenoids shrink and disappear when a child reaches adulthood.

How is the procedure done?
An ears, nose, and throat surgeon under a general anesthetic performs adenoidectomy. The adenoids are removed through the child’s mouth without any external incisions. The removal of tonsils often accompanies this procedure. Adenoid removal surgery usually takes less than 30 minutes, and often the child can go home the same day. Some children may have to stay overnight if they are very young or have a serious sleep problem. The recovery may involve several days and cause moderate pain and discomfort, including minor bleeding, sore throat, and a runny nose.

Beneficial purposes of adenoidectomy
Adenoidectomy can offer multiple benefits to children struggling with symptoms related to adenoid enlargement. Some of the benefits of adenoid removal surgery are

Reduced ear infections
Enlarged adenoids can obstruct the airways and cause ear infections. Adenoids put pressure on the Eustachian tube in the ears resulting in recurring ear infections. The Eustachian tube is responsible for keeping our ears healthy. A blockage of this tube results in an infection or a fluid discharge. In some cases, ear infections do not respond to antibiotics and can lead to many difficulties, including hearing problems. When adenoids are removed through adenoidectomy, the Eustachian tube can perform properly, so ear infections and fluid are less likely to occur.

Reduced throat infections
Swollen adenoids block the airways and can cause a sore throat leading to frequent infections. After adenoidectomy, there will be a decrease in the overall number of throat infections. However, the child may still have an occasional sore throat or infection, but it will be fewer and milder.

Better quality of sleep
When adenoids are enlarged, they can cause difficulties in sleep. Poor quality sleep can further lead to behavior and learning issues. In some children, swollen adenoids can also cause snoring or sleep apnea. This interruption prevents restful sleep needed for good health and may result in daytime sleepiness and poor concentration. Removal of adenoids can help improve airflow and promote better sleep quality.

Breathe easier through the nose
Adenoids that are swollen can restrict breathing through the nose. In severe cases, the swollen adenoid can completely block the back of the nose. Children often breathe through the mouth. Chronic mouth breathing may cause dryness around the mouth and dry, chapped lips. Removal of adenoids through adenoidectomy will make breathing through the nose much easier.

Fewer nasal infections
One of the reasons for performing adenoidectomy is recurrent nasal infections. Some children have nasal infections with thick green or yellow drainage. Although it improves with antibiotics, the nasal infection often returns when the antibiotics are stopped. Recurrent nasal infection can lead to chronic inflammation of the sinuses. This problem can be managed through the removal of adenoids. It will also stop persistent runny noses, although it will not prevent the common cold or any other illness that causes nasal drainage.

Improved sense of smell
Some children with swollen adenoids may also experience a reduced ability to smell. This reduced sense of smell occurs due to nose blockage caused by enlarged adenoids. Adenoid removal helps improve airflow and restores the sense of smell.

Improved speech
Adenoids can also affect a child’s voice. The pitch and tone are negatively impacted when nasal passages are obstructed due to swollen adenoids. The voice sounds as if the nose is pinched. Speech therapy will not help with speech problems due to enlarged adenoids. However, performing an adenoidectomy may help improve the blockage and the quality of your child’s voice.

Adenoid removal surgery can help relieve the symptoms of enlarged adenoids and give a better quality of life, but the benefits are long-lasting when treated. However, if left untreated, the swollen adenoids can interfere with middle ear function and may cause temporary hearing loss in children with repeated sinus and ear infections.

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