Everything to know about ear infections

Everything to know about ear infections

Although they often clear up on their own, ear infections can be quite painful due to inflammation and fluid buildup. These infections can be categorized as bacterial or viral and usually occur in the middle ear, the part behind your eardrum. Also, they can be acute or chronic, depending on the severity of the infection. To understand these infections better, here is some information on their types, causes, signs, and associated treatments.


Ear infections can be divided into three categories, and each category comes with a different set of symptoms.

Acute Otitis Media – Acute Otitis Media or AOM is the most common and the least severe type of ear infection. In this condition, parts of the middle ear get infected, and fluid accumulates behind the eardrum. This, in turn, causes severe pain, and some children may also develop a fever.

Otitis Media with Effusion – Otitis Media with Effusion or OME occurs when an infection has run its course, but the fluid remains trapped behind the eardrum. This infection is common in children aged six months to three years. The patient may not experience any symptoms, but the doctor will be able to see the fluid in the ear by using a special instrument.

Chronic Otitis Media with Effusion – Chronic Otitis Media with Effusion or COME occurs when fluid remains in the middle ear for a long time and returns repeatedly. It reduces the body’s ability to fight other infections and permanently damages your hearing ability.



Like every other illness, a specific virus or bacteria is responsible for triggering an ear infection. This is why children often develop them along with other illnesses. Regardless, here are some common causes responsible for the development of an infection in the ear.

Cold or flu – Ear infections become very common during the cold or flu season. A cold or flu in your body creates an ideal environment for such infections to develop.

Blockages in your ear – A blockage in the eustachian tubes, which run from your ears to the throat, often results in an ear infection. A respiratory infection can block these tubes, causing the fluid to build up. Children have smaller and more horizontal tubes, increasing their chances of an ear infection.


Fluid trapped in the ear – Fluid collected while swimming in any water body can also result in a bacterial infection. If the fluid doesn’t drain away on its own in a few hours, it’s better to consult an ENT specialist.

Strep throat – The main type of bacteria that causes strep throat is also responsible for causing ear infections. So, if your sore throat is continuously irritating your ears, you might want to consult a physician first, and if the pain persists, then a specialist must be approached.



The symptoms and signs of an infection heavily rely on the kind of infection you have. In case of an acute ear infection, you may display symptoms such as:

Ear pain

Vomiting and nausea


Ear discharge

Hearing problems

In the case of chronic ear infections, there are less visible symptoms, but you might experience some long-term difficulties. Such as:

Delayed responses

Limited attention

Poor balance

Difficulty in speaking

Inability to work independently


Some ear infections subside on their own, whereas others require proper medical attention. Here are some of the commonly used treatments for acute and chronic infections:

Antibiotics – Antibiotics work well only with bacterial infections and may not be effective for chronic variants. In addition, experts always recommend waiting for a few days to allow it to run its course. Remember, taking antibiotics unnecessarily may make your condition even worse. So, if you are not sure, then get your infection examined.

Dry mopping – Aural toilet or dry mopping is a treatment in which a doctor properly flushes and cleanses the fluid buildup. As per many doctors, this step expedites the recovery process.

Antifungal treatment – Doctors may suggest antifungal ear drops or ointments to treat your symptoms if it is a fungal infection.

Ear tap – If a person doesn’t respond to the primary treatment, the doctor might perform a surgical procedure. In this process, he will insert a tube to remove the fluid from the middle ear and provide the needed relief to the eardrum.

Adenoidectomy – It is another surgical procedure in which the doctor removes adenoids. These are glands at the back of your nose that help fight infections. During an infection, these become enlarged and must be removed to suppress the pain and avoid chronic infection.

Every ear infection requires a specific kind of treatment and care. Hence, it is better to consult a doctor to understand the cause as soon as you develop any symptoms. Initially, you can take treatments that are easily available at your pharmacy, but if the pain persists, you must visit a doctor.

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