Head lice infestation – Signs, causes, remedies, and more

Head lice infestation – Signs, causes, remedies, and more

Head lice are wingless and blood-sucking insects that survive on the human scalp by feeding on blood. They primarily affect children and are easily transferable from the head of one infected person to another. An adult is called a louse which is the size of a sesame seed, while a nit is as small as a dandruff flake. Head lice infestation is known as pediculosis in health terminology. Itching is the most common symptom of this condition.

Who is affected by head lice?
It can affect anyone, but it mainly affects children between 3 and 11 years of age. These kids pass on these lice to their parents and other family members. Head lice are capable of crawling, and they cannot hop or fly. They can spread by direct head-to-head contact or through shared personal items like scarves, brushes, coats, clothing, etc.

Signs and Symptoms of head lice infestation
How will you know if head lice have infected you? Below are some signs that will directly point to the fact that you need to get your scalp checked for the presence of the insect.

  • Itching on the back of your head and near your ears. This is caused due to an allergic reaction to the bites of the head louse.
  • Because of constant scratching, your head might develop sores. These become infected due to bacteria found on the skin.
  • Irritability and inability to sleep because lice are active at night
  • Tickling feeling as if something is moving in the hair

Causes of a head lice infestation
Head lice are contagious. A person’s scalp can get infested in the following ways:

  • Coming in head-to-head contact with someone who has head lice
  • Sharing items like a comb or towel of someone with head lice
  • Using a fabric item after an infected person has used it (Lice might live for a time on the bedding, towel, clothing, and upholstered furniture)

You need to understand that personal hygiene has nothing to do with head lice. Also, animals can’t transfer head lice to humans.

Treatment options for head lice
There are many head lice treatments available. A person with an active infestation should take proper therapies to get rid of the population. Those who are in close contact with an infected person, like house members and friends, should also be checked for lice and treated at the same time. Lotions and shampoos used to treat head lice usually contain pediculicides. They are chemical agents that can kill the lice. There are two types of pediculicides that act in different ways. Here are some facts about the chemical agent.

  • Some pediculicides kill the eggs of the lice and prevent further population growth
  • Some only help in removing the lice

If you are using a pediculicide that has weak or no ovicidal property, then you must follow a routine treatment to block the possibility of further lice infestation completely. The eggs need to be destroyed so that new ones do not arise after the therapies. Don’t overuse lotions or shampoos because they may have side effects. Also, never use the two types of pediculicides at the same time. You can also try some DIY methods at home if the lice infestation is not too much. If you are confused, consult a licensed doctor for recommendations.

Home remedies
Since lice can’t survive for more than a couple of days, you can follow some effective home remedies to treat the issue. Here are certain methods to kill lice-

  • Get your clothes and bedding dry-cleaned
  • Wash all your clothes in hot water and dry them on high heat
  • Vacuum your floors and furniture
  • Lastly, soak your combs, brushes, and other hair accessories in hot water for five to ten minutes

Alternative treatment option
In case you don’t want to use pediculicides, you can go for a fine-toothed lice comb or a flea comb that can help remove the insect. A fine-toothed comb is used because lice and nits attach themselves to the hair strands and can only be loosened with the help of these special tools. When you comb your hair, apply olive oil so that these insects stick to your comb. If you do this every 2 to 3 days, you can see the difference.

Head lice infestation can be irritating and troublesome for both kids and adults. So, it should be treated as soon as possible. If home remedies don’t work for you, get in touch with your doctor and get your scalp and hair inspected. Also, if anyone in the family gets infested by head lice, take measures to clean the house thoroughly and avoid any kind of head-to-head contact with that person.

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