Know the causes, symptoms, and meal plans of breast cancer

Know the causes, symptoms, and meal plans of breast cancer

Cancer occurs when the genes that regulate cell growth mutate or change abnormally. The changed cells continue to divide without control, causing a tumor. If a tumor turns malignant, it turns cancerous. When malignant cells in the breast begin to grow out of control, it leads to breast cancer. Breast cancer, in most cases, begins in the milk-producing glands or ducts. It can also begin in the fat or connective breast tissues.

Read to know more about breast cancer.

Causes of breast cancer
Research says though a genetic abnormality causes cancer, only 5% is hereditary, and 95% is caused by the aging process and wear and tear of cells. Though doctors have not yet been able to isolate the cause of breast cancer, the following women have an increased risk of breast cancer.

  • Above the age of 55
  • Who started menstruating before the age of 12
  • Who go through menopause at around 55 years
  • Women with dense breasts
  • With a history of breast cancer or those exposed to radiation therapy
  • With a family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer

Symptoms of breast cancer
Knowing the symptoms of breast cancer can help you identify any abnormality early. Early detection increases the possibility of a complete cure. The following are some visible symptoms of breast cancer:

  • Swelling or thickening in one part of the breast
  • Irritation or dimpling in the breast
  • A lump in the breast or armpits
  • Redness in the nipple or pulling in of the nipple
  • Bloody or other discharge from the nipple
  • Pain or change in the breast shape and size

Treatment of breast cancer
Doctors diagnose breast cancer through a combination of physical examination, imaging tests, and advanced genetic tests. If the tests confirm cancer, a team of specialty doctors begins treatment based on your overall health condition, medical history, the stage of the tumor and the extent of cancer spread, and possible side effects. The doctors discuss treatment plans, side effects, and prognosis with the patient and their caregivers and keep them informed of their treatment plans. Some commonly used and effective treatments for breast cancer are:

Doctors use surgery to either remove the tumor or examine the lymph nodes and check if cancer has spread outside the breasts. Doctors may also decide on surgery if the tumor is small. Some of the surgical options to remove cancer cells are:

  • Lumpectomy
  • Mastectomy
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy
  • Auxillary lymph node dissection

Radiation therapy
Doctors recommend radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells using high-energy X-rays. Doctors may recommend radiation therapy after surgery as an additional treatment. It reduces the chances of cancer cells recurring.

Doctors use intravenous drugs or oral drugs to destroy cancer cells during chemotherapy or reduce and shrink cancer cells before surgery. Chemotherapy can also be given as additional treatment after surgery. Patients may undergo chemotherapy every one, two, three, or four weeks, depending on the cancer stage.

Hormonal therapy
Hormones may fuel breast cancer tumors. Doctors use hormonal therapy to block the hormones. It can be used as a standalone treatment or combined with radiation therapy. Hormonal therapy is also effective in treating metastatic cancer, shrinking cancer, and improving symptoms of breast cancer.

Targeted therapy
Doctors use drugs that only target the genes, proteins, and tissues that cause the growth and spread of cancer. Targeted therapy limits the growth of such cells and restricts them from spreading to healthy cells.

Immunotherapy uses natural materials in the body or those produced in the lab to boost the ur immune system to fight cancer cells.

Ideal cancer meal plan
Cancer treatment leads to multiple side effects like nausea, diarrhea, taste change, loss of appetite, mouth ulcer, weight and hair loss, fever, and dehydration. The right nutrition plan during and after treatment can help their body receive the required nutrition. Include high-protein foods like

  • Eggs, lean meat, fish, chicken
  • Beans, nuts, seeds
  • Dairy products like milk and yogurt
  • 2-3 cups of rainbow-colored vegetables
  • Fluids

Have smaller portions frequently until you gain your appetite and regain your strength.

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