Understanding the difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist

Understanding the difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist

Given the fast-paced times that we live in, most of us feel rushed and stressed at one point in life. These are times when we look to someone to help reach solutions. At times, consulting our friends and family doesn’t help. While reaching out to professionals, we come across many profiles. Two of the most common ones are psychiatrists and psychologists; these two terms are often used synonymously but function very differently.

Let’s look at the role of each one of them.

Psychologists and psychiatrists- What are their functions?

Let’s start with the basics and understand what each of them does.

A psychologist is someone who has advanced professional training and skills to address your mental health issues. They also help you cope with relationship issues and support recovery from trauma. They study how humans think and behave in different settings and apply those principles to their practice.

On the other hand, a psychiatrist is trained to diagnose and treat mental health conditions, abnormal behaviors, and emotional problems. The term “psychiatry” translates to holistic treatment of the soul, which has its foundation in studying the correlation between biochemical, neurological, and biological abnormalities and how they affect the behavior of a person.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Be it their approach to mental health, the way they practice, and their educational qualifications, there are several differences between psychologists and psychiatrists.

Here are some ways in which they differ from each other:


The biggest difference lies in the approach of each while treating mental health conditions.

A psychiatrist takes a prescription-based approach. Once they diagnose the condition, they develop a line of treatment using a combination of treatment plans and psychotherapy.

A psychologist mainly uses a therapeutic approach to manage their patient’s mental health conditions. They may use therapies such as psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy.


A psychiatrist is legally equipped to recommend prescriptions to patients to help them overcome their mental health issues. For instance, conditions such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc., respond well to such treatment plans. They work together with their patients to manage their prescription dosage and adjust them periodically. They also weigh the benefits of trying new solutions and monitor the patient’s progress throughout the treatment plan.

A psychologist cannot recommend prescriptions. They use psychological tests to diagnose the condition and then treat it through therapy, acting as a counselor in a therapeutic role. However, when they feel that prescriptions may help their patient more than counseling, they refer such cases to psychiatrists.


To have a flourishing career, you need to have a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in psychology. If you want to practice as a clinical psychologist, you are required to study for two additional years and obtain an M.Phil in Clinical Psychology.

A psychiatrist is a doctor with a medical degree in the field of psychiatry. To practice as a psychiatrist, you need to complete your MBBS and follow this up with an M.D.

What do they treat?

A psychiatrist treats people who suffer from more complex neurological conditions. These may include psychosis, severe depression, autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, among others.

Psychologists handle developmental and behavioral issues that can be managed with psychological treatments. Some examples include mild depression, anxiety, adjustment issues, and learning difficulties.

Which of these professionals is the best for you?

If you are seeking help, especially for the first time, it may get a little tricky for you to determine which professional to consult. If you suspect a severe mental health issue that doesn’t seem to abate with counseling, you need to visit a psychiatrist. Or, you may be feeling unexplained symptoms that you are not able to cope with. They may be able to give you prescriptions that will help you.

Alternatively, if you are going through a difficult time triggered by an event in your life, reaching out to a psychologist should be the first step. These could be relationship issues, anger issues, or eating disorders. They will diagnose your condition and offer the best therapy option appropriate to manage your mental health needs.

How to choose the best psychiatrist or psychologist?
Here are some things to keep in mind while selecting either of these professionals:

  • You may need a referral from your general physician to see a psychiatrist.
  • Check with your friends and family for references.
  • Always check their credentials. You can either go through their website to look for patient testimonials or their social media pages.
  • You should always ask questions about the treatment process. Get to know if there will be any side effects of the prescriptions or if there is a possibility of developing a dependency on them.

Mental health determines how you feel about yourself and how productive and normal your life can be. Now that you know the similarities between the two professionals, it will be easy for you to choose the right one and find solutions for your issues.

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